Schlagwort: Roland Barthes

  • The Aesthetics of Neutrality

    The Aesthetics of Neutrality

    Sudeep Dasgupta The functional reduction of language to transparent communication manifests itself in the often violent cultural conflicts in contemporary geopolitics. Deploying Roland Barthes‘ notion of „the neutral“ through analyses of three artistic projects, an „aesthetics of neutrality“ is figured as a counter-strategy which escapes linguistic clarity. The aesthetics of neutrality is both a cultural…

  • The Cosmos in Aesthetic Cosmopolitanism

    The Cosmos in Aesthetic Cosmopolitanism

    Nikos Papastergiadis Cosmopolitanism is an idea of our place in the world and an ideal of how to belong with other people. At its most utopian level cosmopolitanism proclaims a form of belonging that is free of boundaries and is open to the sensory awareness of the universe. In this essay I seek to explore…